Tuesday, May 19, 2015

So I Had To Talk About Yoga...

I think this may be the first time I was excited to do a research project.
For my "Intro To New Media" class (the one I created this blog for) I had to write an "Ethnography" of a particular online community. I detailed out how I found the yoga community in my website/paper here at The Yoga Community.But I got a cool chance to talk to a fellow yoga-lover who volunteers at a Yoga studio in the area!

Her name is Jo Ellen! 

Q. How has yoga influenced your life?

A. I've practiced yoga since mid high school and ever since it has served as my stress reliever. I have been very involved academically, in extracurriculars, as well as working throughout high school and college so I used yoga as a time to escape all of that and focus on myself. The focused and calm mindset I developed while practicing yoga became applicable to all areas of my life giving me the ability to become a more productive student and worker.

Q. How often do you "do" yoga
A. When I am actively practicing yoga I go twice a week to class but always try to stretch / do a few poses at least once a day. However I have been very busy this year and haven't regularly gone to class since January :(

Q. how did you get started in yoga
A. I had some friends in my sophomore year of high school who actively practiced and told me I would like it. So I gave it a try and have been hooked ever since!

Q. what benefits do you find being a part of the yoga community
A. I love meeting fellow yogis and yoginis who share the appreciation of yoga with me. I find being a part of this community an even further reliever of my stress since I am surrounding myself with people who have also found peace of mind and are only interested in each other's well-being. It is truly very beneficial to my motivation to find my best self and live it.

Q. do you participate in any of the "online" yoga communities (forums/blogs/social media)
A. I follow a number of active yogis on Instagram and am active in my home studio's social media but that is all. I also like to find a lot of yoga inspiration on Pinterest

Q. do you find that the yoga community has a strong support? (like between members)

A. Yes, definitely! As I said earlier, everyone cares about your well-being. They are always genuinely interested in your life endeavors and love to assist in helping you reach your goals.

Thanks Jo Ellen!

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